Hubris and Sacrifice.
Show another example of the pattern of hubris and sacrifice from the culture at large. Describe how the individuation process may act as a prophylactic against such situations.
Hubris, in its most extreme forms, can be found in the United States military, and the Navy is not without sin. The United States Navy continually does its best to control the sea with its empowering technology and more extensive and more aggressive ships. As the wars of nations continue to develop and countries project their hero archetypes on the actions of those who volunteer to serve in the Navy, the Navy feels the need to innovate ships to be larger, faster, and more deadly to avoid future tragedy (Slater, 1998, pp. 112). This is all done to contain energy that is not adequately honored through sacrifice.
Though the Navy would like not to admit it, there has always been a sense of fear from the ocean with their ranks. There is a somewhat hidden tradition which celebrates the crossing of the equator by each sailor regardless of rank or status, called Crossing the Line. In this tradition, time is taken out of the busy schedule to allow each sailor is to volunteer to give honor to King Neptune and sacrifice his position to bow down to the feet of Neptune and ask for passage. If they are found unworthy, they must continue to sacrifice for their sins to become worthy. Once found worthy, the sailor must wash in seawater as a type of baptism. The who ceremony is tied around honoring the sea for protection of each sailor as they continue their journey.
Though it is unknown if sailors understand the meaning behind this tradition and what they are doing, it still doesn’t seem to be enough to hold back the raging seas as our ships continue to get bigger, faster, and stronger in hopes to control it. It would seem that a more significant sacrifice is needed.
Readings Reviewed
- Jung, C. G. (1970). “The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man.” In R. F. C. Hull (Trans.), The Collected Works of C. G. Jung (Vol. 10), pp. 74-94 (20 pages)Â
- Henderson, J. in Jung, C. G. (1964). Man and His Symbols, pp. 95-156 (61 pages)Â
- Slater, G. (1998). Re-sink the Titanic. Spring, 62, pp. 104-120 (16 pages)Â
The Modern Myth in Today’s News.
Glance at the news of current events and find an example of what could be a modern myth. Even if you cannot yet fully articulate why, attempt to make your case and include a link with your posting.
A modern myth today that is ageless is the search for immortality. As recent as the last few months, scientific advancements in medicine have discovered new ways to extend life by preventing some cells to age through the elimination of senescent cells. Though just starting human trials, it seems that this drug will have the ability to bring back some form of youthfulness to those who can afford it.
Some have taken this news to new heights by claiming that humans will live for up to 1000 years in the new future. Though most think this idea is out of the realm of possibility, at least concerning our life spans, what will be the next step when we eventually reach 1000 years as the average life of humans? Will that not be enough? It seems that this desire follows onward to a timeless lust for immortality and the issues that revolve around that goal.
To me that this theme plays onto the age-old tale of The Epic of Gilgamesh, where Gilgamesh desires to gain immortality due to his loss of his friend. Gilgamesh is scared of his mortality even though he’s half mortal and ignores all warnings that steer him away from his goal. Finally, he is given youth as his reward in place of his immortality, but even that is stolen away from him by a snake.
As we can see in our own story, we are actively seeking for ourselves immortality due to the fears caused by those who die around us. In our greed we hope to live forever, but rather than immortality we are given youthfulness in its place, which in the end is stolen by our spirit and our desire to reunite with the Self. The more we fear death, the more that we innovate to extend life, and the greater the gravitational pull towards death will be. In the end, I am sure that death will get its reward much sooner than us our immortality.
Readings Reviewed
Chalquist, C. (2018). Introduction and Chapter 1, in Myths among us., pp. 8-40 (32 pages).
Le Grice, K. (2016). Archetypal reflections. Chapter 5, pp. 89-112 (23 pages).Â
Johnson, R. (2009). Inner work: Using dreams and active imagination for personal growth. Chapter 2 and 3, pp. 97-164 (67 pages).Â