Hidden Gateways
Self Guidance to Conscious Awakening
“The heights of the spirit can only be climbed by passing through the portals of humility. You can only acquire right knowledge when you have learnt to esteem it. Man has certainly the right to turn his eyes to the light, but he must first acquire this right.” ―
We offer a map for dreamers of all types to discover the images, messages, and worlds that often exist only in our peripheral vision.
Hidden Gateways
Self Guidance to Conscious Awakening
We offer a map for dreamers of all types to discover the images, messages, and worlds that often exist only in our peripheral vision.
The Taileaters Hermetic Academy
This Self guided program helps you to explore consciousness through a challenging curriculum of diverse media. This program will allow you to see opportunities and insights that will advise you to learn more about your place in the greater cosmos. It is designed not to provide you answers but to learn how to find solutions that will help you grow.
The topics/modules will be complex and confusing to the point that you may not fully grasp the information. Fully understanding is not the point, but if you can allow yourself to think about these topics with an open mind, you will be able to build on your understanding as you continue the process. Small bits of knowledge will eventually lead to great revelations in your consciousness.
Some of the modules will take longer for you to explore, as some contain links to entire books, which will require you to either purchase or find copies at your local book store. You are welcome to skip any module you feel is too much for you to explore; however, it is highly recommended to complete each module in order when at all possible.
“You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.”
We invite you to participate in this free program, which will continue to evolve as time goes on. You can also continue to expand on these topics by joining in with others through our online discussions where you can ask questions and receive other perspectives on these topics.
We hope this dynamic program will provide you great adventure into greater cosmos which resides in each of us.
Video - Carl Sagan - The 4th Dimension
Carl Sagan provides us a glimpse into what the world would look like to us if we had the eyes of a 2d world, and builds on that concept to show us how things that are 4D in our 3D world would react to us.
Book - Jörg Starkmuth - The Making of Reality
Who or what creates that which we perceive and feel as reality?
Who or what determines our fate?
Is there such a thing as random chance?
What are the deeper causes of happiness and unhappiness?
The book “The Making of Reality – How Consciousness Creates the World” offers a daring answer to these questions. In accessible and engaging language, Jörg Starkmuth presents a world view that reconciles the fundamentals of modern physics with findings of parapsychology and happiness research, human experience, and spiritual traditions.
Video - Arvin Ash - What is the universe really made of?
Article - David Bohm, Implicate Order and Holomovement
This article explores some of David Bohm’s core ideas which will help introduce you to Implicate Order and the Holomovement.
Video - Leonard Susskind - The World as Hologram
Leonard Susskind of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics discusses the indestructibility of information and the nature of black holes in a lecture entitled The World As Hologram.
Book - David Bohm - Wholeness and the Implicate Order
David Bohm was one of the foremost scientific thinkers and philosophers of our time. Although deeply influenced by Einstein, he was also, more unusually for a scientist, inspired by mysticism. Indeed, in the 1970s and 1980s, he made contact with both J. Krishnamurti and the Dalai Lama whose teachings helped shape his work. In both science and philosophy, Bohm’s main concern was with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular. In this classic work, he develops a theory of quantum physics which treats the totality of existence as an unbroken whole. Writing clearly and without technical jargon, he makes complex ideas accessible to anyone interested in the nature of reality.
Video - A Geometry of Consciousness - The Pribram Bohm Hypothesis
The holoflux theory of consciousness as modulated energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non-local properties. This thesis emerges from an integral evaluation of evidence drawn from: (1) the holonomic mind/brain theories of Karl Pribram, (2) the ontological interpretation of quantum theory by David Bohm.
Video - Prof. Donald Hoffman - The Case Against Reality
We have no clue how consciousness emerges from 3 pounds of wet goo. Cognitive scientist Don Hoffman takes us deep into his research suggesting we’re attacking the problem backwards. The implications may challenge all you know about our place in reality. Take the Red Pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes… In this extended interview we dive into the Interface Theory of Perception (how evolution hides the truth about reality in favor of a dumbed down “user interface” that only shows us “fitness payoffs” that help us survive), the “Hard Problem of Consciousness” and how we simply have no idea how consciousness could emerge from physical matter, the non-dual theory of Conscious Realism (how reality is really a social network of “conscious agents” and our perceptions are simply the interface by which we exchange experience with other agents), the math behind conscious agent theory, implications for artificial intelligence (AI), psychedelics, spirituality, and much, much more.
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Psychology / Sleep / Dreams
Video - Donald Hoffman - Freedom of Choice
Donald Hoffman is a cognitive scientist and author of more than 90 scientific papers and three books, including Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See (W.W. Norton, 2000). He received his BA from UCLA in Quantitative Psychology and his Ph.D. from MIT in Computational Psychology. He joined the faculty of UC Irvine in 1983, where he is now a full professor in the departments of cognitive science, computer science, and philosophy. He received a Distinguished Scientific Award of the American Psychological Association for early career research into visual perception and the Troland Research Award of the US National Academy of Sciences for his research on the relationship of consciousness and the physical world.
Video - Dr. Iain McGilchrist - The Master and His Emissary
A conversation taped by Perspectiva, who described it as follows: “An extraordinary half-hour conversation about the brain, chaos, order, freedom, evil, mythology, being, and becoming between two of the leading thinkers of our time.”
Book - Kelly Bulkeley - An Introduction to the Psychology of Dreaming
Introducing students at all levels to the key concepts of modern dream psychology, this concise book provides an overview of major theories regarding the formation, function, and interpretation of dreams.
• Explains the historical development of dream psychology across a century of thought and research, from Freudian psychoanalysis to modern neuroscience
• Provides a clear template for analyzing each theory of dream psychology in terms of how it answers the three basic questions of formation, function, and interpretation
• Encourages readers to look carefully at their own dreams as a legitimate source of insight into the dreaming process
• Represents an ideal resource for undergraduate students in introductory psychology classes who need a solid understanding of the psychology of dreaming
Article - Sleep Neurobiology from a Clinical Perspective
Many neurochemical systems interact to generate wakefulness and sleep. Wakefulness is promoted by neurons in the pons, midbrain, and posterior hypothalamus that produce acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, histamine, and orexin/hypocretin. Most of these ascending arousal systems diffusely activate the cortex and other forebrain targets. NREM sleep is mainly driven by neurons in the preoptic area that inhibit the ascending arousal systems, while REM sleep is regulated primarily by neurons in the pons, with additional influence arising in the hypothalamus. Mutual inhibition between these wake- and sleep-regulating regions likely helps generate full wakefulness and sleep with rapid transitions between states. This up-to-date review of these systems should allow clinicians and researchers to better understand the effects of drugs, lesions, and neurologic disease on sleep and wakefulness.
Book - J. Allan Hobson - The Dream Drugstore: Chemically Altered States of Consciousness
In this book, J. Allan Hobson offers a new understanding of altered states of consciousness based on knowledge of how our brain chemistry is balanced when we are awake and how that balance shifts when we fall asleep and dream. He draws on recent research that enables us to explain how psychedelic drugs work to disturb that balance and how similar imbalances may cause depression and schizophrenia. He also draws on work that expands our understanding of how certain drugs can correct imbalances and restore the brain’s natural equilibrium.
Hobson explains the chemical balance concept in terms of what we know about the regulation of normal states of consciousness over the course of the day by brain chemicals called neuromodulators. He presents striking confirmation of the principle that every drug that has transformative effects on consciousness interacts with the brain’s own consciousness-altering chemicals. In the section called “The Medical Drugstore,” Hobson describes drugs used to counteract anxiety and insomnia, to raise and lower mood, and to eliminate or diminish the hallucinations and delusions of schizophrenia. He discusses the risks involved in their administration, including the possibility of new disorders caused by indiscriminate long-term use. In “The Recreational Drugstore,” Hobson discusses psychedelic drugs, narcotic analgesia, and natural drugs. He also considers the distinctions between legitimate and illegitimate drug use. In the concluding “Psychological Drugstore,” he discusses the mind as an agent, not just the mediator, of change, and corrects many erroneous assumptions and practices that hinder the progress of psychoanalysis.
Article - Mark Solms - The Interpretation of Dreams and the Neurosciences
Mark Solms provides us a review of sleep, dream states, and an overview of current research into this complex and confusing subject.
Article - Dream Memory
This article explores dream memory and its relationship to memory recall in dreams as well as some of the processes that take place to allow memory to happen.
Book - C. G. Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections
An eye-opening biography of one of the most influential psychiatrists of the modern age, drawing from his lectures, conversations, and own writings.
In the spring of 1957, when he was eighty-one years old, Carl Gustav Jung undertook the telling of his life story. Memories, Dreams, Reflections is that book, composed of conversations with his colleague and friend Aniela Jaffé, as well as chapters written in his own hand, and other materials. Jung continued to work on the final stages of the manuscript until shortly before his death on June 6, 1961, making this a uniquely comprehensive reflection on a remarkable life. Fully corrected, this edition also includes Jung’s VII Sermones ad Mortuos.
Book - C. G. Jung - Dreams
Dream analysis is a distinctive and foundational part of analytical psychology, the school of psychology founded by C. G. Jung and his successors. This volume collects Jung’s most insightful contributions to the study of dreams and their meaning. The essays in this volume, written by Jung between 1909 and 1945, reveal Jung’s most essential views about dreaming–especially regarding the relationship between language and dream. Through these studies, Jung grew to understand that dreams are themselves a language, a language through which the soul communicates with the body. The essays included are “The Analysis of Dreams,” “On the Significance of Number Dreams,” “General Aspects of Dream Psychology,” “On the Nature of Dreams,” “The Practical Use of Dream Analysis,” and “Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy” (complete with illustrations).
Article - Lucid Dreaming
This article explores all the most successful ways to lucid dream, what lucid dreaming is, and how to explore lucid dreams in unique and prosperous ways.
Book - Robert Bruce - Astral Dynamics
Astral projection is a technique that lets your soul explore the universe while leaving your body behind. It’s been a topic of endless speculation. If you’ve ever wanted to try it, Astral Dynamics is the perfect guide for you.
Astral Dynamics will teach you everything you need to know to accomplish successful out-of-body travel. It explores the physics of the nonphysical world and provides useful advice for astral travelers, including how to exit the body, how to get around on the astral plane, and how to get back to your body with solid memories of the event. The guide is written in plain language with commonsense terminology.
Robert Bruce brings his twenty-five years of interdimensional experience to the aid of astral travelers around the world.
Book - Sylvan Joseph Muldoon - The Projection of the Astral Body
This book contains instructions on the specific methods for bringing about the projection of the astral body. It includes many experiences. A classic text.
Book - Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche - The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep
“If we cannot carry our practice into sleep,” Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche writes, “if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes? Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake.”
PHILOSOPHY / Spirituality
Video - Dr. Tony Nader - Hacking Consciousness at Stanford University, Part 1 of 2
Hacking consciousness investigates the nature of consciousness as a field of all possibilities, as the source not only of the human mind and our ability to experience, know, innovate and create, but also as the source of all structures and functions–from fine particles and DNA to galaxies, in parallel with the scientific notion of a unified field, superstring, or supersymmetry at the foundation of time and space. Because consciousness has been seen in many cultures as a gateway to directly cognizing the laws of nature, meditation has developed as a pivotal human technology for success in all areas of life.
Video - Dr. Tony Nader - Hacking Consciousness at Stanford University, Part 2 of 2
Dr. Tony Nader, MD, PhD (MIT, Harvard) reviews scientifically hard and easy problems surrounding consciousness in biology and cognitive science. He proposes that consciousness is primary and only appears as matter.
Article - The Physiology of Consciousness
This article explores some of the elements that Dr. Nader talks about in his videos as well as reflections on the subject of consciousness and how it relates to human physiology.
Article - Understanding Consciousness
This article touches on some of the more basic elements of consciousness, its history, and formulations of the subject. This article also introduces some of the altered states experienced in the dream, and drug-induced conscious experiences and what those states tell us about our waking experience.
Book - Dr. Rick Strassman - DMT The Spirit Molecule
From 1990 to 1995 Dr. Rick Strassman conducted U.S. Government-approved and funded clinical research at the University of New Mexico in which he injected sixty volunteers with DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known. His detailed account of those sessions is an extraordinarily riveting inquiry into the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT, a plant-derived chemical found in the psychedelic Amazon brew, ayahuasca, is also manufactured by the human brain. In Strassman’s volunteers, it consistently produced near-death and mystical experiences. Many reported convincing encounters with intelligent nonhuman presences, aliens, angels, and spirits. Nearly all felt that the sessions were among the most profound experiences of their lives.
Strassman’s research connects DMT with the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the site of the seventh chakra and by Rene Descartes to be the seat of the soul. DMT: The Spirit Molecule makes the bold case that DMT, naturally released by the pineal gland, facilitates the soul’s movement in and out of the body and is an integral part of the birth and death experiences, as well as the highest states of meditation and even sexual transcendence. Strassman also believes that “alien abduction experiences” are brought on by accidental releases of DMT. If used wisely, DMT could trigger a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mystical regions of the human mind and soul.
Book - Benny Shanon - The Antipodes of the Mind
This is a pioneering cognitive psychological study of Ayahuasca, a plant-based Amazonian psychotropic brew. Benny Shanon presents a comprehensive charting of the various facets of the special state of mind induced by Ayahuasca and analyzes them from a cognitive psychological perspective. He also presents some philosophical reflections. Empirically, the research presented in this book is based on the systematic recording of the author’s extensive experiences with the brew and on the interviewing of a large number of informants: indigenous people, shamans, members of different religious sects using Ayahuasca, and travelers. In addition to its being the most thorough study of the Ayahuasca experience to date, the book lays the theoretical foundations for the psychological study of non-ordinary states of consciousness in general.
Book - Stephan V. Beyer - Singing to the Plants
In the Upper Amazon, mestizos are the Spanish-speaking descendants of Hispanic colonizers and the indigenous peoples of the jungle. Some mestizos have migrated to Amazon towns and cities, such as Iquitos and Pucallpa; most remain in small villages. They have retained features of a folk Catholicism and traditional Hispanic medicine, and have incorporated much of the religious tradition of the Amazon, especially its healing, sorcery, shamanism, and the use of potent plant hallucinogens, including ayahuasca. The result is a uniquely eclectic shamanist culture that continues to fascinate outsiders with its brilliant visionary art. Ayahuasca shamanism is now part of global culture. Once the terrain of anthropologists, it is now the subject of novels and spiritual memoirs, while ayahuasca shamans perform their healing rituals in Ontario and Wisconsin.
Singing to the Plants sets forth just what this shamanism is about–what happens at an ayahuasca healing ceremony, how the apprentice shaman forms a spiritual relationship with the healing plant spirits, how sorcerers inflict the harm that the shaman heals, and the ways that plants are used in healing, love magic, and sorcery.
Book - Mircea Eliade - Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy
First published in 1951, Shamanism soon became the standard work in the study of this mysterious and fascinating phenomenon. Writing as the founder of the modern study of the history of religion, Romanian émigré–scholar Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) surveys the practice of Shamanism over two and a half millennia of human history, moving from the Shamanic traditions of Siberia and Central Asia–where Shamanism was first observed–to North and South America, Indonesia, Tibet, China, and beyond. In this authoritative survey, Eliade illuminates the magico-religious life of societies that give primacy of place to the figure of the Shaman–at once magician and medicine man, healer and miracle-doer, priest, mystic, and poet. Synthesizing the approaches of psychology, sociology, and ethnology, Shamanism will remain for years to come the reference book of choice for those intrigued by this practice.
Book - Karen Armstrong - Buddha
With such bestsellers as A History of God and Islam, Karen Armstrong has consistently delivered “penetrating, readable, and prescient” (The New York Times) works that have lucidly engaged a wide range of religions and religious issues. In Buddha she turns to a figure whose thought is still reverberating throughout the world 2,500 years after his death.
Many know the Buddha only from seeing countless serene, iconic images. But what of the man himself and the world he lived in? What did he actually do in his roughly eighty years on earth that spawned one of the greatest religions in world history? Armstrong tackles these questions and more by examining the life and times of the Buddha in this engrossing philosophical biography. Against the tumultuous cultural background of his world, she blends history, philosophy, mythology, and biography to create a compelling and illuminating portrait of a man whose awakening continues to inspire millions.
Video - 5 Types of Initiations
Deeksha, or initiation, has been given utmost importance in the tradition. It has been described to be of absolute significance, for the spiritual endeavors to be fruitful. In this video, let’s take a closer look at different kinds of initiations and their importance.
Article / Video - Understanding Kundalini Yoga
This article/video goes into detail about the basics concepts around Kundalini Yoga and the misunderstandings associated with the topic.
Video - Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming - Understanding Qigong
Book - Thomas Cleary - The Secret of the Golden Flower
Symbol and Image
Book - Edward C. Whitmont - The Symbolic Quest
This book explores the use and development of man’s symbolizing capacities-those qualities that make him distinctly human. Dr. Whitmont describes the symbolic approach to a dream, which takes into account a symptom’s meaning in reference to an unfolding wholeness of personality. He then presents the view that the instinctual urge for meaning is served by the symbolizing capacities, and that this urge has been repressed in our time.
In the field of psychology, this symbolic approach is most fully exemplified by the theories of C. G. Jung. The author’s contribution includes many differentiations and speculations, especially concerning the problems of relatedness.
Book - C. G. Jung - Man and His Symbols
Man and His Symbols owes its existence to one of Jung’s own dreams. The great psychologist dreamed that his work was understood by a wide public, rather than just by psychiatrists, and therefore he agreed to write and edit this fascinating book. Here, Jung examines the full world of the unconscious, whose language he believed to be the symbols constantly revealed in dreams. Convinced that dreams offer practical advice, sent from the unconscious to the conscious self, Jung felt that self-understanding would lead to a full and productive life. Thus, the reader will gain new insights into himself from this thoughtful volume, which also illustrates symbols throughout history. Completed just before his death by Jung and his associates, it is clearly addressed to the general reader.
Book - Robert A. Johnson - Inner Work
Johnson introduces a simple four-step method aimed at helping us explore the unconscious. He encourages us to pinpoint the symbols that appear in our dreams and active imaginings; to note our conscious associations to these symbols; meaningfully to personalize what we have accomplished in these first two steps; and finally through rituals to translate the insights gained into memorable conscious experiences. By providing clear instructions, with illustrations, he gives us a feeling for inner work, making it feasible without reliance on formal analysis. Johnson’s well-written book should appeal both to general readers and to specialists in the field.
Book - James Hillman - Re-Visioning Psychology
Article - Archetypal Expressions of the Body
Explores the importance of image generated by different aspects of the human body, and how consciousness relates to the multiplicity found in that relationship.
Article - Good and Evil, Illusions of Consciousness
Explores the subject of symbol and its relationship to the polarities that express themselves throughout our lives.
Article - Active Imagination and Imaginal Knowing
This article explores the importance of image and its relationship to symbols. It also expresses the importance of creativity through image.
Alchemy and Hermeticism
Video- HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles
Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer, and renegade scholar. This presentation takes a deep dive into the realm of sacred geometry, ancient stone monuments, and the hidden mathematics that is embedded in things we use every day.
Article - Eric Wargo - The Great Work of Immortality: Astral Travel, Dreams, and Alchemy
Eric Wargo explores alchemy in relationship to lucid dreaming and Out of Body Experiences in this article. It’s a great start to the works that tie dream states and alchemy together.
Article - Aaron Cheak, PhD. - Circumambulating the Alchemical Mysterium
This introduction to part one of Alchemical Traditions attempts to examine alchemy from etymological, historiographic, and phenomenological perspectives in order to “circumambulate” the mystery of alchemy. It encompasses both Eastern and Western alchemies within its circuitous ambit.
Article - The Virgin’s Milk and Chyle
Chyle is one of the most interesting and under-researched substances in the human body. It’s a white milky substance that is described by Gordon James as the Virgin’s Milk that is often talked about in alchemy. This article explores some of the elements surrounding chyle to provide the reader with some evidence that supports Jame’s claims.
Book - Dennis Kauck - The Emerald Tablet
The Emerald Tablet an ancient document that contains the essence of the alchemical teachings has had an important influence on many Western spiritual and religious traditions. Ostensibly concerned with turning base metals into gold, alchemy was in fact dedicated to transforming the lead of self into the gold of spirit. This brilliant history of alchemy traces its sources back to ancient Egypt and presents alchemy as a useful, practical system of self-transformation. Each of the seven steps of alchemical transformation is explained, with hands-on techniques and exercises, treating alchemy as a living discipline for achieving a spiritual awakening.
Glossary Terms - Gordon James - Qabalah, Alchemy, Hermetic Investigations
Gordan James provides us some of the most useful terms available to alchemical investigations. It is highly recommended that you review each term, investigate the connections between each term and start building a mental glossary associated with those terms and their images so that you can start to understand the process behind those terms.
Many of these terms repeated themselves inside of the description of each term. This is on purpose and will provide you a new way of learning which helps with the foundation into further reading on the subject of alchemy.
Article - Alphabet of Kabbalah - The Secret Meanings of the Hebrew Letters in the Bible
The Gnostic approach to the Hebrew alphabet is described here by the Gloran community. This course goes through each individual letter which is a symbolic representation of the creation story, and how individually we use the power of sexual energy to achieve a total unification state, completing the Great Work.
Book - Three Initiates - The Kybalion
The most popular occult work of the twentieth century–now in a hardbound edition that evokes the original volume, with a new introduction by a scholar of mysticism, Richard Smoley.
For generations, readers have debated the origins and studied the knowledge of this mysterious exploration of Hermetic wisdom, attributed to “Three Initiates.”
Now in its second century, The Kybalion is restored to hardcover in a beautiful vegan-leather casing with gold stamping, acid-free paper, gold-foil page edges, and a red ribbon place marker. This commemorative volume evokes the appearance of the occult landmark’s first edition.
The new introduction by Richard Smoley, a celebrated scholar of mystical traditions, makes this a historical keepsake.
Book - Paul Foster Case - Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment, Vol. 1: The Early Writings
Shortly after leaving the Alpha et Omega (MacGregor Mather’s reformulation of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), Paul Foster Case developed a lecture series entitled “The First Year Course”. The purpose of the lectures was to provide students with a firm foundation in spiritual science and practice and to prepare them for Paul Case’s rendition of the Golden Dawn Order.
When this coursework was expanded in 1924, the contents of the “The First Year Course” became known as Section A, `The Life Power’, and Section B,`The Seven Steps of Spiritual Unfoldment’. The `Life Power’ provided a firm foundation of Occult Fundamentals and the `The Seven Steps of Spiritual Unfoldment’ utilized the Major Arcana of the Tarot to communicate the stages of Spiritual Evolution.
The early writings of Paul Foster Case are exceptionally clear and represent some of his finest work. Anyone approaching these lessons for the first time are encouraged to spend at least two weeks on each before proceeding to the next. This is precisely the manner in which the lectures and lessons were intended to be assimilated. Paul Case utilizes images in addition to words to communicate principles. Proceeding in such a manner will allow the corresponding ideas to take root and mature and thus facilitate understanding of the next lesson in the series.
Book - Paul Faster Case - Esoteric Secrets of Meditation and Magic - Volume 2: The Early Writings
n 1924, Paul Foster Case expanded his First Year Course by developing two advanced lecture series which he entitled Section C: ‘Concentration’ and Section D: ‘Magic’. The lectures built upon the material in the ‘First Year Course’(which had become known at this time as Section A:‘The Life Power’ and Section B: ‘The Seven Steps to Spiritual Unfoldment’).
The Fraternity of the Hidden Light has recently published both of these lecture series as “Occult Fundamentals and Spiritual Unfoldment – Volume 1: The Early Writings.” This current volume provides the two additional lecture series that complete the original fundamental course structure of Paul Case. Section C, ‘Concentration’, expounds the esoteric secrets of Meditation. This section is a very advanced series of lessons that not only develops the essential skill of concentration but commences the student upon the path of Return’ with a series of powerful “Qabalistic Meditations.”
These Meditations have a tendency to facilitate the deep spiritual experience in those who are prepared and chose to participate. This lesson series indeed represents some of the most advanced material written by Paul Case. Section D, ‘Magic’, provides the esoteric secrets of Magic in a very rare exposition of the fundamental tenets of magical practice by one of the greatest occultists of the 20th century. Here again, is material published by Paul Case that cannot be found in any of his later developed lesson series and provides insight into the “tools of the trade” practiced by Golden Dawn enthusiasts today.
Book - Paul Foster Case - The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order
This is a thorough presentation of the Rosicrucian system of Initiation by Dr. Paul Foster Case. He explains that Rosicrucianism is based upon earthly organizations, but on personal unfoldment, and clearly describes the distinctive marks of a Rosicrucian. The treatise is divided into two main parts by Dr. Case. The first is a careful examination and interpretation of the principle Rosicrucian manifestos, the Fama Fraternitatis, and the Confessio Fraternitatis. The second part is an explanation of the Rosicrucian Grade system, as applied to the diagram of the Tree of Life and Tarot attributions. By participating in the outlined procedures, aspirants are put on the right track of preparing themselves for union with the Higher Self, which may or may not include group work with an outer order or fraternity. The first editions of 1927, 1928, and 1933 were of limited publication. The fourth and most complete expansion of the text by Paul Case was finished in 1937, revised by him in 1953 just before his death, and published in by Weiser in 1985. It represents the full maturity of his thought on this subject.
Book - Jason C. Lotterhand - The Thursday Night Tarot
NO HOOPLA. Just wisdom–deep and clear.
Week in, week out since 1950, Jason Lotterhand shares what he has learned as a student and practitioner of Ageless Wisdom during his 78 years.
Mr. Lotterhand began his training in Tarot in 1933 and was later Director of the Builders of the Adytum, the mystery school of the Sacred Tarot and Holy Qabalah founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case. Mr. Lotterhand is now one of two Directors Emeritus of that organization.
Book - Paul Foster Case - The Tarot
A magnificent edition of the Splendor Solis for all those interested in alchemy, magic and mysterious manuscripts. Popularly attributed to the legendary figure Salomon Trismosin, the Splendor Solis (‘Splendour of the Sun’) is the most beautiful alchemical manuscript ever made, with 22 fabulous illustrations rich in allegorical and mystical symbolism.
The paintings are given a fitting showcase in this new Watkins edition, which accompanies them with Joscelyn Godwin’s excellent contemporary translation of the original 16th-century German text, as well as interpretation from alchemical experts Stephen Skinner and Georgiana Hedesan, and from Rafal T. Prinke, an authority in central and Eastern European esoteric manuscripts. Stephen Skinner explains the symbolism of both the text and the illustrations, suggesting that together they describe the physical process of the alchemical transmutation of base metal into gold.
Rafal T. Prinke explains the theories about the authorship of both text and illustrations, discussing Splendor Solis as the turning point in alchemical iconography passing from the medieval tradition to that of the Baroque and the reasons for the misattribution of Splendor Solis to Poysel and Trismosin. Georgiana Hedesan looks at the legendary figure of Salomon Trismosin and his creation by followers of Theophrastus Paracelsus as part of an attempt to integrate their master in a lineage of ancient alchemical philosophers.
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Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states.
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