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Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states. We actively search out new information on subjects that challenge us and that helps us grow as individuals.

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Memory of Dreams and How It Works

Memory of Dreams and How It Works

How Memory Works To start off with, we need to understand how memory works. That way we can know how it could go wrong. There’s a lot we don’t know about memory. It’s incredibly hard to study at a chemical level, especially in humans. However, there have been some...

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Meditation Techniques for Starters

Meditation Techniques for Starters

Meditation for Starters Meditation has been used by many people for thousands of years to improve their well-being. Though many descriptions of meditation can be found on the internet, there are really no strict guidelines to what meditation is and how to properly...

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Dreaming Separate from REM

Dreaming Separate from REM

Dreaming Separate from REM For years I have been following the debate about REM and why we experience this odd period of sleep. I have always been a supporter of the Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis proposed by Allan Hobson which related REM as a driving action for...

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Reality Checks Lucid Dreaming

Reality Checks Lucid Dreaming

Reality Checks Lucid Dreaming Being more aware is something that is important in meditational practices and lucid dreaming. It's also something that has been used to improve peoples lives allowing them to enjoy things throughout their day that they often do not....

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Niacin a Lucid Dreaming Supplement?

Niacin a Lucid Dreaming Supplement?

Niacin a Lucid Dreaming Supplement? For anyone who knows me, I have been on this bandwagon for the use of niacin to help improve sleep. The reasons for it is because I always felt better after using niacin. It seemed to have helped me get to sleep quicker than I...

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Overcoming Fear in Lucid Dreams

Overcoming Fear in Lucid Dreams

The Darkest Fear Fear keeps us alive when we need to survive and it also keeps us down when we need to grow. I as well as everyone on this planet has lived with fear. Its natural after all, but what is not natural is allowing fear to control our lives, how we practice...

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Want to learn more about lucid dreaming, how to astral project, improve your meditation practice, or exploring your consciousness? Our lucid dreaming guide includes all these features for Free!

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Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states.

© 2020 Taileaters.com