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Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states. We actively search out new information on subjects that challenge us and that helps us grow as individuals.
Rick Strassman’s DMT and the Soul of Prophecy
Rick Strassman's DMT and the Soul of Prophecy What is a spiritual experience? Is it something random and profound, or something similar to the induced altered states one might find themselves in after taking psychedelics? When it comes to psychedelics and the...
The True North Project with Christian Dockstader
In this episode, we speak with Christian Dockstader who is the creator of The True North Project which explores the travels of Christian and his experiences with altered states of consciousness. We talk with Christian about his experiences throughout his life and what...
Psychedelic Mystery Traditions with Tom Hatsis
In this episode, we speak with Tom Hatsis who is a historian of psychedelia, witchcraft, magic, pagan religions, alternative Christianities, and the cultural intersection of those areas, who holds a master’s degree in history from Queens College. The author of The...
Siberian Shaman, Amanita Muscaria, and Christmas
Christmas, Amanita Muscaria, and Santa Claus This Christmas, consider celebrating Amanita Muscaria, an ancient psychedelic mushroom with clear connections to the holiday now celebrated as being the birth of Jesus Christ. Amanita Muscaria is the mushroom...
Wake Back to Bed Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming With the Wake Back to Bed Method As a way to lucid dreaming the Wake Back to Bed Method or WBTB Method is one of the most powerful tools you can have. It provides the dreamer time to get enough great rest while they are initially asleep, and then jump...
DMT Dialogues with Rory Spowers
Many changes in the psychedelic community are being made. Psychedelics are being used in research to help with PTSD, depression, and many more psychological disorders. The research and the progression have come from individuals working hard in the background to make...
Free Guidance
Want to learn more about lucid dreaming, how to astral project, improve your meditation practice, or exploring your consciousness? Our lucid dreaming guide includes all these features for Free!

The Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Journey Part 1 - The Eternal Story“Whether we listen with aloof amusement to the dreamlike mumbo jumbo of some red-eyed witch doctor of the Congo, or read with cultivated rapture thin translations from the sonnets of the mystic Lao-tse; now and again crack...

Ibogaine Treatment for Addiction
Ibogaine Treatment for Addiction We live in a society with an ever-present addiction problem. As addiction rates continue to grow, the reality of just how insufficient our current treatment methods become clear. These methods work for some; however, for the majority,...

Lucid Dreaming Mask
Lucid Dreaming Mask When it comes to lucid dreaming, I go for keeping it as basic as possible. I try to not use any additional products besides my brain and alarm clock, but sometimes I have issues getting to sleep or getting awareness in the dream and need a little...

The Importance of Sleep and Dreams with Rubin Naiman
The Importance of Sleep and Dreams People today generally ignore their sleep and dreams. Sleep is viewed as something that is annoying, stops us from attending to things that we believe are important, and if possible would be removed by most people to improve wakeful...

Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous?
Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous? Over the years of using lucid dreams to explore my consciousness, I have often pondered the question: is lucid dreaming dangerous? I have learned that the short answer is no. The long answer is a bit more complicated and needs some...

Changing Our Minds By Don Lattin
Changing Our Minds I first read Don Lattin's book, The Harvard Psychedelic Club, over ten years ago. This book gave me a perspective of the history on psychedelics which was something that a lot of writers, especially journalists, didn't pay a lot of attention to....

Cannabis and Spirituality with Stephen Gray
Cannabis and Spirituality In most of the United States, cannabis can be used as a medicine to help alleviate pain, anxiety, seizures, and more. I started to use cannabis to help with my arthritis and chronic pain that began while I was in the military. After using...

Star Wars Origins
Star Wars Origins The Mythology Behind The Last Jedi Since its conception Star Wars has been an iconic and impactful story that has appealed to audiences around the world. The story that it tells and the heroes that developed throughout the films, books, and cartoons...

Dennis McKenna and The Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs
Dennis McKenna and his brother, the late Terrence McKenna, were a couple of young explorers looking to expand their consciousness through the use of psychoactive substances. Together they started their adventure by going to South America in search of a form of orally...

Dreaming Wide Awake with David Brown
Lucid dreaming in its own right is a fantastic experience that can change one's perception of reality, but what happens when you add psychedelics into the mix? Does this change how one perceives dreams, psychology, and the human experience? Through my own experience...
Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states.
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