Video Gaming and Dream Generation

Video Gaming and Dream Generation

The Dreaming Mind after a Day of Games: Video Gaming and Dream Generation   Dream generation and development have been controversial topics for those who want to curate the visions they see when they are asleep. In fact, scientists have been continuously studying...
Lucid Dream with the IILD Method

Lucid Dream with the IILD Method

 Lucid Dream with the IILD Method What if your life, what you remember of it anyways, is a series of images inside your mind? These images as you experienced them changed your total perception of reality. They made you who you are, how you feel about every subject and...
How to Lucid Dream Tonight

How to Lucid Dream Tonight

How to Lucid Dream Tonight Most everyone will experience at least one naturally occurring lucid dream in their lifetime, and it usually results in the dreamer being ripped from a said dream as their mind snaps them back to reality. For others, though, a lucid dream...
Wake Back to Bed Lucid Dreaming

Wake Back to Bed Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming With the Wake Back to Bed Method As a way to lucid dreaming the Wake Back to Bed Method or WBTB Method is one of the most powerful tools you can have. It provides the dreamer time to get enough great rest while they are initially asleep, and then jump...
Lucid Dreaming Mask

Lucid Dreaming Mask

Lucid Dreaming Mask When it comes to lucid dreaming, I go for keeping it as basic as possible. I try to not use any additional products besides my brain and alarm clock, but sometimes I have issues getting to sleep or getting awareness in the dream and need a little...
Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous?

Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous?

Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous? Over the years of using lucid dreams to explore my consciousness, I have often pondered the question: is lucid dreaming dangerous? I have learned that the short answer is no. The long answer is a bit more complicated and needs some...