The Cosmic Echo Podcast
The Cosmic Echo Podcast

Newest Episode

A New Beggining

A New Beginning to a Spiritual Awakening

In this episode, we start off a new way to have our podcast by having general talks about subjects we are interested in. We talk about Sadhguru on Joe Rogan, ideas about metaphysics and wave propagation, and more.

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Learn to Lucid Dream and Gain Rewards

Learn to lucid dream and complete tasks for re-life rewards.

Cosmic Echo Podcast

This podcast explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states. We explore topics that pertain to consciousness, including philosophy, Out of Body Experiences, Lucid Dreaming, sleep phenomenon and the science behind it, hallucinogens, shamanism, and more. We interview and discuss these topics with experts in the field and those who have experience in these areas and have credible information to share.

A New Beggining

A New Beggining

A New Beginning to a Spiritual Awakening In this episode, we start off a new way to have our podcast by having general talks about subjects we are interested in. We talk about Sadhguru on Joe Rogan, ideas about metaphysics and wave propagation, and more....

The Making of Reality: How Consciousness Creates the World

The Making of Reality: How Consciousness Creates the World

The Making of Reality In this episode, we speak with Jörg Starkmuth who is the author of the book The Making of Reality: How Consciousness Creates the World. Jörg discusses his views on consciousness and how consciousness creates what we perceive as reality, as well...

The Psychology of Dreams with Kelly Bulkeley

The Psychology of Dreams with Kelly Bulkeley

The Psychology of Dreams with Kelly Bulkeley In this episode, we speak with a dream and sleep reacher Kelly Bulkeley. Kelly has a Ph.D. in psychology of religion and has been researching and focusing on dreams for most of his life. He recently published the book...

The True North Project with Christian Dockstader

The True North Project with Christian Dockstader

In this episode, we speak with Christian Dockstader who is the creator of The True North Project which explores the travels of Christian and his experiences with altered states of consciousness. We talk with Christian about his experiences throughout his life and what...

Psychedelic Mystery Traditions with Tom Hatsis

Psychedelic Mystery Traditions with Tom Hatsis

In this episode, we speak with Tom Hatsis who is a historian of psychedelia, witchcraft, magic, pagan religions, alternative Christianities, and the cultural intersection of those areas, who holds a master’s degree in history from Queens College. The author of The...

DMT Dialogues with Rory Spowers

DMT Dialogues with Rory Spowers

Many changes in the psychedelic community are being made. Psychedelics are being used in research to help with PTSD, depression, and many more psychological disorders. The research and the progression have come from individuals working hard in the background to make...

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Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states.

© 2020