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Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states. We actively search out new information on subjects that challenge us and that helps us grow as individuals.
Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing If you have ever seen the hit TV show Stargate and thought about how amazing it would be to go through a giant portal and instantly travel to some far off location, then remote viewing is right up your alley. Like Stargate, remote viewing involves...
Herbs of the Northern Shaman with the Bard of Ely
Plants are at the heart of our lives. They allow us to breathe, they build the foundations of our cities through agriculture and make up the literal walls of our homes. Where would we be without these wonderful beings that take part in our everyday lives?...
The Positives and Negatives of Psychedelics
The Positives and Negatives of Psychedelics When I first started to use psychedelics I was oblivious to what the experience was going to be. I had no idea how to interact with the experience and integrate it into my everyday life. On top of that, I also had a massive...
Shaman Author Teacher Kenn Day
Shaman Author Teacher An Interview with Kenn Day Have you ever wanted to become a shaman but didn't know how to do so? Have you ever thought that something strange was going on in your life and that you may have a calling to do something with these strange...
Traveling Consciously
Traveling Consciously A good portion of my life has been spent traveling to other countries. Most of my time traveling has spent traveling with the military, but my infatuation with traveling started at a very young age. Traveling to me is not limited to a location,...
Psychedelic Podcast
Psychedelic Podcast If your one of those people who enjoy listening to people discuss psychedelics, then you are not alone. Today more and more people are listening to podcasts that feature psychedelic enthusiast discussing their favorite trips as well as discussions...
Free Guidance
Want to learn more about lucid dreaming, how to astral project, improve your meditation practice, or exploring your consciousness? Our lucid dreaming guide includes all these features for Free!

Reality Checks Lucid Dreaming
Reality Checks Lucid Dreaming Being more aware is something that is important in meditational practices and lucid dreaming. It's also something that has been used to improve peoples lives allowing them to enjoy things throughout their day that they often do not....

Overcoming Fear in Lucid Dreams
The Darkest Fear Fear keeps us alive when we need to survive and it also keeps us down when we need to grow. I as well as everyone on this planet has lived with fear. Its natural after all, but what is not natural is allowing fear to control our lives, how we practice...

A Boot Camp Guide to a Good Night’s Rest
A Boot Camp Guide to a Good Night's Rest Something that everyone wants when they lay down for rest is to wake up well rested. They want a good nights sleep. Often though when we go to bed at night we wake exhausted because we were unable to go to bed when we wanted to...

Dreaming and DMT : A Connection to Psychedelic Theory
DMT Dreaming Is Dimethyltryptamine the cause of our dreams? In the early years of my college, I was extremely interested in the effects of psychedelics on the brain. I expected to find a lot of similarities between the dreaming and psychedelic experience but never did...

The Stages of Sleep
The Stages of Sleep The brain is a complex and elusive beast, especially when it comes to sleep. Though we still don't fully understand exactly why we sleep we have created systems to understand the different ways in which we sleep throughout the night. This is...

Marijuana, Dreaming , Memory, and Alzheimer’s
Marijuana, Dreaming, Memory, and Alzheimer's With the current state of marijuana legalization in the United States, a lot more research is being conducted on the health benefits and negative effects of the plant and its compounds. Lucky for us there is a lot of...
Taileaters critically explores the strange and bizarre phenomenon that happens in our lives, when we sleep, and in altered states.
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