WILD Lucid Dreaming
One of the most rewarding ways to have a lucid dream is through the Wake Induced Lucid Dreams technique or WILDs. Wake Induced Lucid Dreams is the ability to fall asleep while conscious and transport your active awareness into a dream state. Though this may be challenging to do for most people, the effect is that you are fully aware while feeling the sensations of falling asleep and your overall lucidity is as equal to that of being awake.
The Challenge
When it comes to performing WILD Lucid Dreaming its essential to understand the challenges that you are going to face. Most people who are trying to implement this technique understand the fundamental processes that are going to take place but are unable to reach the level of relaxation that tricks the body that you are asleep while being aware.
Our bodies and minds naturally are doing their best to make sure that we are asleep before we become aware of dreams so that we do not start to dream while we are awake. Naturally being awake and dreaming is not productive to our survival as we would be hallucinating during our waking lives.
When we lay down to sleep, our brains perform a series of tests to see if we are asleep. If we are aware or awake with these tests, it can be disorientating or irritating. People feel the sense of falling as one of the first necessary tests. Often people feel itching all over their body, or warmness or electrical type shocks that can pass over their bodies. Sometimes people hear buzzing or electrical sounds which can also be irritating. In these situations, our bodies are trying to have us respond to these sensations by making us move. Not moving will result in you falling asleep while awake and that is what we want.
Erroneous thoughts are another significant cause for people not to be able to continue the WILD lucid dreaming technique. It is essential to focus on the black space behind your eyes and not pay attention to anything else, even thoughts that come to the mind. Concentrating on nothing is a form of meditation and relaxation that can take practice to achieve. Being able to focus on nothing while being aware is the yin and yang of conscious awareness.
The last issue when it comes to exploring WILD lucid dreaming is falling asleep unconsciously. If we are too tired or our bodies are too relaxed, we can fall asleep without awareness and lose our ability to be lucid in the dream space. The best way to fight this is to get rest before trying to attempt a WILD and to make sure to be uncomfortable enough when attempted a WILD that you do not fall asleep too quickly.
Primarily sitting in a chair while trying a WILD is a good idea to fight this tendency to fall asleep too swiftly. Attempting a WILD during the daytime when you are more alert can also help you overcome these issues.
The Technique
Attempting a WILD can be challenging. It’s not a complicated process but can take some practice to achieve what is required to get past all the testing put forward by your mind to see if you are sleeping.
- Sleep for 5-6 hours of good rest. Don’t try to perform any techniques before getting the initial rest.
- Wake up and do an activity for 5-30 minutes.
- Lay down in an upright or slightly uncomfortable position
- Close your eyes and focus on the blackness presented in front of your eyes, let images appear, do not force away images that may appear.
- Do your best not to move
- Do not react to any of the sensations presented in front of you
- Relax all parts of your body from your toes to your head
- Breath slowly and calmly
In about 20-45 minutes you should feel a slight change in your perception. A change in your awareness is the first step to an altered state and indicates you are on the right path. Often this change in consciousness is followed by the sensation of heaviness, your arms and legs twisting and turning, or the ringing or popping sounds in your ears.
Depending on your ability to relax and perform WILD lucid dreaming, anywhere from 60 minutes to 120 minutes later, you should feel the sensation of falling and often sleep paralysis.
Sleep Paralysis
If you have not had sleep paralysis before and are experiencing it for the first time, it can be uncomfortable. Sleep paralysis is the inability to move while aware and asleep. You may see or hear strange and disorienting hallucinations during this period. Paralysis during sleep is our bodies natural way to make sure that we do not act out our dreams.
Most people do not experience this consciously as they are typically asleep during this process. Since we are aware during WILD lucid dreaming, there is the possibility to experience this.
If you experience sleep paralysis the best course of action is to continue to relax, do not fight the experience however strange it may seem or feel. Sleep paralysis will pass, and you soon will fall into a void state.
The Void State
Once you are in the void state, you may soon start to see a light or objects in your view. At this point, it may seem like you are awake or aware in your room at your house. You are most likely asleep even though it may feel genuine. At this point try to do something that you typically could not, such as fly, walk through a wall, or float around your room. You are now lucid in a dream state and ready to continue on.
Continuing On
What you do while WILD lucid dreaming is up to you. Its only limited by your imagination and your ability to create and explore new areas. The experience you embark on is something that not many people have had in their lives and is something to be not only proud of but to respect and use to better yourself as you continue forward understanding more about yourself and reality as a whole. Welcome to the tribe of lucid dreamers!
Lee Adams is a Ph.D. candidate in Jungian Psychology and Archetypal Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute and host of Cosmic Echo, a lucid dreaming podcast, and creator of taileaters.com, an online community of lucid dreamers and psychonauts. Lee has been actively researching, practicing, and teaching lucid dreaming for over twenty years.
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This is adding another step of which is not necessary. WBTB
Why add another step when the step is not needed?
Charlie thanks for your comment. I included WBTB because it does help beginners and that is who I am presenting the article to. I also would be glad to feature your information if you would like to do a guest post as we offer a backlink for those who do. Let me know.