Peter Gorman Ayahuasca In My Blood

Peter Gorman Ayahuasca In My Blood

In this episode, we talk with Peter Gorman about his book “Ayahuasca in My Blood” 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming, which concerns his longstanding relationship with the Amazonian visionary medicine Ayahuasca. Award-winning investigative journalist Peter Gorman has spent...
Adam Elenbaas Fishers of Men

Adam Elenbaas Fishers of Men

Adam Elenbass Fishers of Men In this episode, we get a chance to speak with Adam Elenbaas about his book Fishers of Men as well as his journey through life and his experiences with Ayahuasca. Originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Adam Elenbaas is the critically...
Alan Shoemaker Ayahuasca Medicine

Alan Shoemaker Ayahuasca Medicine

Alan Shoemaker Ayahuasca Medicine In this episode of Cosmic Echo, we speak with Alan Shoemaker who is a medicine man as well as a healer living in South America. He has a long history of using Ayahuasca to help heal others and is very well known in his homeland of...