Soulful Lucid Dreaming Class

Soulful Lucid Dreaming Class

Soulful Lucid Dreaming Class Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn from a lucid dreaming expert and researcher in a three-week course on lucid dreaming. Ryan Hurd at is offering a three-week live course into soulful lucid dreaming when you...
The Why

The Why

Why Lucid Dream? The question of WHY is the most basic of questions when it comes to anything that we do in life. Its one of those questions that continues to expand any topic when we keep asking yourself over and over again. Eventually if asked enough we get to the...
VR and Out of Body Experiences

VR and Out of Body Experiences

  How to Have an OBE in VR I have been having some success achieving an out of body experience (OBE) through virtual reality. I work in the VR field, so I have some expertise on the VR side, but when it comes to OBEs most of my understanding comes from my dad. My...
Hypnosis, OBEs, and More

Hypnosis, OBEs, and More

Hypnosis, OBE’s, and More… A few months ago I read an interesting peer-reviewed article (obe-hyp) discussing the possibility of having an Out of Body Experience (OBE) while being under hypnotic suggestion. The article described the patients grading the...
Memory of Dreams and How It Works

Memory of Dreams and How It Works

How Memory Works To start off with, we need to understand how memory works. That way we can know how it could go wrong. There’s a lot we don’t know about memory. It’s incredibly hard to study at a chemical level, especially in humans. However, there have been some...
Niacin a Lucid Dreaming Supplement?

Niacin a Lucid Dreaming Supplement?

Niacin a Lucid Dreaming Supplement? For anyone who knows me, I have been on this bandwagon for the use of niacin to help improve sleep. The reasons for it is because I always felt better after using niacin. It seemed to have helped me get to sleep quicker than I...